Singing Guide: Glass Tiger

Singing Guide: Glass Tiger

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Glass Tiger is a Canadian rock band that formed in 1984. The lead singer, Alan Frew, has an incredible voice that has impressed fans for decades. To learn how to sing like Alan Frew and master Glass Tiger’s unique sound, there are several techniques and resources you can use.

  • Firstly, focus on honing your voice to match Alan Frew's high vocal range, which is essential in singing most of their songs. Make use of Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to determine your vocal range and improve your pitch accuracy.
  • Before starting any vocal training, you must know some basic techniques. Singing Carrots' breathing basics and breath support blogs explain breathing techniques to strengthen your diaphragm and develop the correct airflow for strong singing. Make sure you have proper posture while singing by referring to Singing Carrots' blog on how posture affects your singing. To improve resonance in singing, check out Singing Carrots' resonance in singing blog.
  • Understanding voice registers and vocal breaks is also important as Glass Tiger's musical style employs a combination of falsetto and chest voice. Read Singing Carrots' Voice registers and vocal break blogs for clarity on this topic.
  • Alan Frew is known for singing with vibrato, which is a pulsating effect in the voice, especially in the extended notes. Practice singing with vibrato utilizing Singing Carrots' Singing with Vibrato blog and video exercises.
  • Glass Tiger's signature sound is a result of distinctive vocal techniques. Use Singing Carrots' Contemporary vocal techniques blog as a guide, especially in learning heavy modal, belting, and twang techniques.
  • To learn Glass Tiger songs, use Singing Carrots' song-search, which features the vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences of over 1000 songs, including Glass Tiger songs.
  • Finally, put your vocal training into practice by performing on stage. Use Singing Carrots' tips for performing on stage, stage fright and perfromance blogs.

With consistent practice, you can learn to sing like Alan Frew from Glass Tiger and replicate their distinct sound. Using the resources and exercises provided by Singing Carrots, you'll gain the confidence to sing some of Glass Tiger's biggest hits like "Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone" and "Someday."

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.